reached the school.
I have a very bad feeling about it.
I know helping poeple is a very good thing,
but am i helping the right thing? IDK
well,because my friend.
he wants me to teach him make a doll. (present)
i won't tell you wat kind of doll is it.maybe after FEB.
before class tambahan,
he was at my front class door,比手划脚-ing and talking to me without making sound.
then i 比手划脚 to him again and make the face that the teacher is still in the class.
then he was like =.=
so,after Puan.rama set my class free,
i quickly sneek out the class with the crowd.
this is the 1st time i ponteng in my life.
You know where are we going?
coz the material is at Daiso.always five ringgit. :)
his mother fetch us there.
you noe la~go there must lie to the parents ma~
his mother and him have a war at the front seat.
at Daiso,we discuss quite long time, at last
RM50 fly away~
we RUN back to the car,
then his mother start nagging,
coz we forgot that what we say.
mother:you guys go there till which time?
him:aiya~5minutes only~
her mother almost wait for us like 30mins.
bit paiseh.
then we rush back to skul,
past the 7-eleven, i saw my friends eating
maggi cup =o=, so hungry.
then we reached school.
Tomoro i need to go to his house again.
Wish him good luck :)
Mission Accomplish !
Tips of the doll-yellow,square. got it? XD